We’re pleased to confirm that the first quarterly meeting of the new Digital Inclusion Network for Oxfordshire will be on 4th September, at 1pm on Microsoft Teams.

Understanding need and services in Oxfordshire

This new network is intended for anyone interested in Digital Inclusion in Oxfordshire (and people further afield welcome to join as well and share best practice!). We aim to build a better shared understanding of both the need in our county, and the services available to support people in this rapidly-changing area.
As the Getting Oxfordshire Online team, we hope to become a hub for the county, with good relationships with the diverse network of service providers and support organisations. We want to be able to point people towards the best support either as an individual or as an organisation helping others.
With this in mind, September’s first meeting will be all about getting to know members of the group:
  • All introduce ourselves, explain our interest in digital inclusion and aspiration for the network
  • Discuss the greatest digital needs we’re seeing in our communities, what support would be most valuable and any gaps in provision we could investigate together.

On email or in person

If you’re not able to make the meeting, we’ll send out these questions in advance so you’re welcome to input on email and Ben will represent your thoughts on the call. We’ll send round a summary on email after the meeting. And of course, if you have any questions or suggestions beforehand, do get in touch at hello@gettingoxfordshireonline.org

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Ben at the NHS Digital conference