Connect! is a Citizens Advice project established in April 2021 where trained Volunteers visit clients to help them make the most of their digital devices for FREE.
Since the beginning of COVID-19, many people have found themselves digitally isolated. Throughout our community there are people, particularly in the older sector, who have little or no knowledge of IT communications. Even now, many of us are socialising less in person, preferring to connect, shop and do our finances online. Those who live alone can go days without seeing anyone.
Connect! volunteers can help with any digital need, from video calls helping them feel they are still a part of their families and can actually see their grandchildren growing up, using social media to keep in touch with friends, to safely shopping online, all at the client’s pace.
One of Connect!’s clients was introduced to Connect! by her boss who wanted to help her with feelings of isolation. Through hard work and dedication, she has learnt to use her mobile phone and tablet. She now has a laptop and says she spends most of her spare time on the internet looking up things of interest. Her confidence has definitely grown online and this has also improved her general confidence, so much so earlier this year she joined a band and is teaching herself the Ukelele online! This story goes full circle as the client has now completed online courses to improve her skills at work.
Connect! have a great team of volunteers who have carried out visits to many clients already and helped them gain digital confidence and enhance their current life situations. This is an exciting project that has been a great success In Cherwell; Connect! are now rolling out throughout Oxfordshire and would like as many people as possible to take part.
If you would like to know more, you can get in touch with Connect! via their website, email, Facebook, or by giving the team a call on 0300 004 0401.
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